- Invited talks: 30 mins (including discussions)
- Contributed talks: 20 mins (including discussion)
- Applicants to the workshop will be selected to give a contributed talk or a poster presentation
- Nearly 40 contributed talks will be selected from applicants who submit their abstracts
Spectroscopic investigations of correlated electron materials
- d- and f-electron systems
- Doped Mott insulators, unconventional superconductors
- Charge- and spin-density wave systems
- Surfaces, polar surfaces, interfaces, multilayers
- Low-dimensional systems, nanostructures
- Topological insulators and strong spin-orbit coupled materials
Many-body theory of correlated electrons in solids
- Spectral function of lattice-fermion models
- Ab initio approaches to single-electron excitations
- Dynamical mean-field theory and beyond
- GW, weak- and intermediate-coupling methods
- Low-energy effective theories
- Electron-boson coupling
- Quantum criticality and competing orders
- Non-Fermi-liquid behavior
- Novel methods
The photoemission process
- One-step model including electron correlations
- Low and high photon energies
- High intensities, multi-photon processes, non-linear phenomena
- Theory of time-dependent spectroscopy
- Modelling of pump-probe processes
- Transition matrix elements and final-state effects
Advances in photoemission techniques
- Time-resolved and two-photon measurements
- Ultra-high resolution spectroscopies
- Bulk-sensitive photoemission
- Spin-resolved techniques
- New possibilities provided by UV and X-ray free electron lasers
Relations to other photon-based techniques
- Resonant soft X-ray scattering and inelastic X-ray scattering
- X-ray absorption spectroscopy
- Inverse photoemission